Monday, September 14, 2009

ok, now that my blog has been started, i have decided to post again. i am quite sure that the new will wear off soon, but since it hasn't... i would like to add a few more things to my list of "things your hairdresser will never tell you".... i only have a few minutes before the baby is up, jed is yanking at my shirt for something, and i have to finish dinner..... so i must type fast. misspelled words may appear.

ok, now that you know about the ear wax, i feel we are already closer. close as clients can be that is... there are a few exceptions of course, and they are actually my friends... and if you are wondering if you are one of them, the answer is yes.. of course you are ;) .... i'm never talking about YOU, remember? yes, well... i will start with this... i am not sure how all hairdressers feel about this one, but for me.... i am NOT your GIRL. please don't call me that unless i am your daughter or i happen to be a servant in your home. i am 37 years old and not a girl as much as i would like to be, and even if i were, i would not be yours. i don't think people understand how that makes us feel.. i know you must not possibly mean to make us feel less than you, but it does somewhat leave a tinge of a bad taste in our mouths. we might just decide to call you other names that are worse, or decide that you need a big bleeding foil on your head.. as an accident, of course. lol... (justa kiddin) i would never do that! ;) for those of you that don't know what a bleeding foil is, let me define. bleeding foil:------ when your hairdresser is yapping or not very good, she might dip her brush in the bowl and slap on the bleach, color, or whatever other form of peroxide coating that is in there, on your head. when this happens, the aim is for the hair that has been weaved out and lying on the foil.. if she gets it too close to the scalp or puts a big ol gob of it on, when the foil is closed it squishes out and makes a hideous dot on your roots.. (if she places it too far away from the root, then you moan and gripe because it isn't close enough...) that is something we can discuss later. anyways, see... there is a fine line there. it takes many years of experience to actually get the highlight to look as though it is growing out of your scalp.. i am not kidding here. it is harder than it looks. i have to say, and i am not bragging... but i am a big stickler on this.. i hate it when i get my own hair highlighted and it is not close enough to the scalp. it feels as though you have wasted the time and money, not to mention the sitting and waiting under the dryer, sweating your honkey off for nothing. SO, unless you tick me off calling me your GIRL or something, you probably won't ever see yourself leave here looking anything but georgous baby! lol... just kidding... as much as i would like to say that and mean it, it is an impossibility for some of you... BUT NOT my friends.. and remember, YOU are one of them. ok, only a few more minutes... i have JUST enough time to add one more thing. DON'T and i mean DON'T ever think we are at your beck and call just because we do your hair. have some respect please. if we do have to call you and reschedule an appointment because we, or one of our children are sick, don't be pissy with us. as hard as it is to believe, WE actually get sick too. our kids get sick. our world does not revolve around you and your hair. remember, it is just hair... not a living being. (although some people have hair that has a mind of it's own, it does not have a beating heart.) so, remember this next time you act like a child when your appointment needs to be rescheduled.
ok. i lied. i have time for something else. i will admit that i am slow at times and take longer than some to apply foils and cut your hair. this is only because i am my fathers daughter and very much a perfectionist and i want it to be a job that i hope others are doing on me. i may run behind from time to time, but when this happens, the next client will get the same pouring out of my heart and soul on their hair. people go to the doctor and expect to wait.... clients of hairdressers, NOT SO MUCH. they act like it is a travesty when they have to wait a few minutes on their appointment. yes, i know, you are on a schedule.. kids have to be picked up, you have other appointments, and bla bla bla... but if you want to know the truth, most of the time someone way before you, was late and only by a few minutes and you have mercy on them, knowing that you yourself have been late before to an appointment and hoped and prayed they would still take you... and a domino affect takes shape. you literally run 10 minutes behind the rest of the day. so, when you get mad that you have to wait, just remember that in most cases, if it were you that was running late, you would get this most pissy look on your face if i said, "you are 10 minutes late, so go home, can't do you" always put yourself in the shoes of the other person... it WILL happen to you one day. also, same goes for no showing... i know that you may not always be able to give a 24-48 hour notice when you are not going to make it but when you just don't show up, it is not only extremely irritating but we actually loose money that we had planned on making.. sometimes it is a foil, which takes a huge chunk of money from your day. we have bills and children to feed as well. when you don't show up, chances are we have a cancellation list , and could have called someone else to come in. however, you will still get the whining about not remembering, dog ate my homework type of stories.. you would not believe some of the ones i have heard. once this woman told me that she had the appointment written down on her fridge and her kid took it off and peed on it, so she couldn't read it anymore. come on... i would have to throw the BS flag on that one.
well, i feel better now.. i have a few more, but i have to finish dinner, and get the kids bathed. hope you have a wonderful night peeps.

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